Рубрика: Family Stories

How can you bring your grandchildren the history of the family and awaken their interest in the huge layer of culture represented mainly in the form of family archives, magazines, and paper books (usually published in a language they no longer understand), if the current generation has already switched to an electronic reading format? Not so long ago the problem of the generation gap in the ranks of the Russian Diaspora seemed insoluble. But time does not stand still. Everything that hits the Internet is automatically translated into 150 languages! That’s why it’s so important to transfer your favorite titles to the World Wide Web so that your children and grandchildren can finally read them without difficulty. Your priceless books get a second life. This also applies to rare editions which were published in small circulations during the last 100 years and are available only for collectors now. Now all this heritage can be passed on to our descendants. That is the purpose for which we created UNITING GENERATIONS. Anyone who wants to tell their grandchildren (and not only them) their stories can become a member of this non-profit organization.



If your ancestors were born in Russia and you would like your grandchildren to know their History, please contact us
by mail: ungen1917@gmail.com or +7-914-665-1883 (whatsApp, telegram).
Send us anything you think you need, we’ll help digitize and put your Story online too!

Николаю Чубукову 19 декабря исполняется 74 года

Поздравляем с Днем рождения Николая Алексеевича Чубукова! Его многолетнее волонтерство в Русском клубе Сиднея известно всем. А сколько было сделано в деле воспитания молодежи... Скаут-мастер Национальной организации русских скаутов в…